Friday, June 24, 2011
Mystery of "V x I" and AC (Alternating Current)
V (Joule/Coulomb) x I (Coulomb/second) = Power (Joule/sec = Energy/sec). So after multiplication of V by I, Coulomb (unit of electric charge) disappears like a magic and only Energy and time remain. This explains well that Current is not consumed in a load such as a resistor and a light bulb - Kirchhoff's Current law but Energy is consumed, changed to some other form of Energy - conservation of Energy.
Another mystery - AC (Alternating Current)
Some people may think that Current flows very fast in a conductor like a light or electromagnetic wave because of the flow of electrons and moves back and forth in case of AC also very fast (between a Power station and home), which is totally wrong. The following article is very good for common ordinary people.
Most people, including most electrical engineers, think of electricity as electrons flowing in a wire, much like water flowing in a hose. The idea of electrical energy moving through free space in a wave is a completely foreign concept. Yet, electromagnetic radiation is exactly that, electrical energy moving through space as a wave, and electrical energy in a wire is a special case in which the energy is guided by a wire. Some of the energy is internal to the wire, and some of the energy is external to the wire. When we plug an appliance into the receptacle, the power delivered to the appliance does not actually "go through the cord", but is electromagnetic energy being "guided" by the electron activity in the power cord. The electromagnetic energy delivered to the load is external to the wire. The electron activity oscillating back and forth in the wire is a result of the external electromagnetic energy and in turn serves as a way of telling the electromagnetic wave to follow the wire. The electron movement in the wire is proportional to the strength of the wave being guided. Don't be disturbed if you have difficulty grasping this concept. Even engineering students have difficulty understanding it.
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Energy stored in a capacitor and inductor
Electric energy is stored in a capacitor (in an electrostatic field) and in an inductor (in an electromagnetic field).
1) Energy stored in a capacitor
We explained this in the article "What a capacitor really is?" as below:
This can be explained without using work, which is more direct.
Capacitor function, or the relation of Capacitance, Current (changing) and Voltage (changing)
Integrate the both sides with respect to time
(q/time) x time = C v
q = Cv =C x Joule (Energy)/q
Integrate both sides with respect of q (which changes with time)
(1/2)q x q = C x Joule (Energy)
Joule (Energy) = (1/2)q x q x 1/C, which is again
We want to add one more explanation in a similar but more general way so that it easily leads to a analogous explanation of Energy stored in an inductor
Basic function of a capacitor is as above used
(q/time) x time = C v
q = Cv =C x Joule (Energy)/q
The unit of q is Ampere x second.
Integrate the both sides with respect to voltage (0 to final V).
Ampere x second x voltage =
Ampere x second x voltage or IV (Power) x time = Energy, So
2) Energy stored in an inductor
Basic function related with Inductance, Current (changing) and Voltage (changing) of an inductor is
voltage x time = Li
(note Unit Weber is voltage x time (in second) or L(Weber/Ampere) x i (Ampere)
Integrate the both sides with respect to Current (0 to final Current).
Voltage x time x Current = ½LI²
Voltage x Time (second) x Current or VI (Power) x time = Energy, So
Energy = ½LI²
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What a capacitor really is?
It is not so easy to understand what a capacitor is and how it works. Using equations - differentiations and integrations – may help us to understand the mystery of a capacitor and its functions. But you may still not be able to get satisfactory understanding. Let us try to get into this wonderland and come back with some fruits.
1. Explanations from Encyclopedia Wikipedia and hyperphysics
Capacitor (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, April, 2008)
A capacitor is an electric/electronic device that can store energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors (called “plates”). The process of storing energy in the capacitor is known as “charging”, and involves electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite polarity, building up on each plate
The above explanation can be OK if you already know what a capacitor is. But if you do not, it cannot be well understood unless you understand well enough the terms energy, electric field, charge which may be more difficult to understand than capacitor itself. You can see a capacitor (a real thing) but you cannot see energy, electric field, charge (not real things). And “charging” in the above explanation may have some special meaning since the word in “-----”. One important thing is that energy is stored in the electric field between a pair of conductors (plates) ( later we shall see how ) while electric charges of equal magnitude (opposite polarity) built up on each plate ( also later we shall see how ), that is:
energy in the electric field between a pair of conductors (plates)
electric charges on each plate
Let's continue with Wikipedia.
Stored energy (From Wikipedia)
This sentence does not say correctly how opposite charges accumulate on the plates of a capacitor since 'due to the separation of charge' does not seem to be a real cause of the accumulation of the opposite charges. What does "separation of charge" mean? And where the charges come from? Or how the opposite charges are created? The problem of this explanation is that it does not say anything about the power (or energy or voltage) source. Without a power source a capacitor does not work. Without a power source opposite charges do not accumulate on the plates of a capacitor 'due to the separation of charge' (if it is correct as a cause). So the first sentence should be:
Then it is more understandable why although the process is not explained in details. The structure of capacitor is quite simple – two parallel palates and the space in between. You may not be able to catch the meaning of "due to the electric field of these charges" since electric field is used here. What is electric field ? And how the electric field relates with these charges or how these electric charges make the the electric field (if they do).
Ever-increasing 'work' must be done against this ever-increasing electric field as more charge is separated. The energy (measured in joules, in SI) stored in a capacitor is equal to the amount of 'work' required to establish the voltage across the capacitor, and therefore the electric field.
Work done by a variable force (From hyperphysics)
The basic work relationship W=F is a special case which applies only to constant force along a straight line. That relationship gives the area of the rectangle shown, where the force F is plotted as a function of distance. In the more general case of a force which changes with distance, the work may still be calculated as the area under the curve. For example, for the work done to stretch a spring, the area under the curve can be readily determined as the area of the triangle. The power of calculus can also be applied since the integral of the force over the distance range is equal to the area under the force curve:
For any function of x, the work may be calculated as the area under the curve by performing the integral
This can be explained without using work, which is more direct.
Capacitor function, or the relation of Capacitance, Current (changing) and Voltage (hanging)
Integrate the both side with respect to time
(q/time) x time = C v
q = Cv =C x Joule (Energy)/q
Integrate both sides with respect of q (which changes with time)
(1/2)q x q = C x Joule (Energy)
Joule (Energy) = (1/2)q x q x 1/C, which is again
Let's look at the process or property of 'charging' or of 'being charged' capacitor.
Charging a Capacitor (From hyperphysics)
(Where RC is called e, specifically 1 − e − 1 and e − 1 respectively.)
Why e ? (another question) - You must understand e first. Otherwise, you cannot get the meaning of the above "unfriendly" explanation. Very good explanation is found in
If you do not have time, you can treats e as simply the number of
The above explanation includes a resistor R. We neglect this R for capacitor argument or make it 1Ohm (unit). It says "the battery transports charge from one plate of the capacitor to the other" . This description is misleading or wrong since it looks like a charge (comes from where?, from the battery?) being transported one plate of the capacitor and going trough the capacitor (the space between the two palates) and reaches the other plate. This contradict "a direct current does not go through a capacitor or a capacitor blocks a direct current.". Where the charge comes from?, From the battery? We must think about the nature of a dielectric - the material placed the space between the two palates - to get more understanding. But before talking about dielectric, let's look at the above charging (being charged) characteristics.
Capacitor Energy Integral (From hyperphysics)
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Transporting differential charge dq to the plate of the capacitor requires work. | |
Inductor (From hyperphysics)
Capacitance of Parallel Plates (From hyperphysics)
1) Electric field E and charge density
The electric field between two large parallel plates is given by
2) E and voltage
The voltage difference between the two plates can be expressed in terms of the work done on a positive test charge q when it moves from the positive to the negative plate.
It then follows from the definition of capacitance that
The above explanation says "a positive test charge q when it moves from the positive to the negative plate." Is it true?
Polarization of Dielectric
This decreases the effective electric field between the plates and will increase the capacitance of the parallel plate structure. The dielectric must be a good electric insulator so as to minimize any DC leakage current through a capacitor. | |
Electric field (From Wikipedia)
When there is a difference in electric charge between the plates, an electric field is created in the region between the plates that is proportional to the amount of charge that has been moved from one plate to the other. This electric field creates a potential difference V = E·d between the plates of this simple parallel-plate capacitor.
where V is the voltage across the capacitor.
The maximum energy that can be (safely) stored in a particular capacitor is limited by the maximum electric field that the dielectric can withstand before it breaks down. Therefore, capacitors made with the same dielectric have about the same maximum energy density (joules of energy per cubic meter), if the dielectric volume dominates the total volume.
Duality of Electric and Magnetic Fields (1)
Magnetomotive force (in amperes) Fm = H (Magnetic field strength)× le (effective length)
Electromotive force (in volts) V = E (Electric field strength) × d (distance)
Magnetic field strength amperes per metre H = Fm/l (or I/d)
Electric field strength volts per metre E = V/d
Magnetic flux Φ = V × time (volt second)
Electric charge (= coulomb) Q = I × time (amp second)
Fm = Magnetomotive force (MMF) (see below; wiki)
Magnetomotive force (MMF) (SI Unit: Ampere) is any physical force that produces magnetic flux. In this context, the word "force" is used in a general sense of "work potential", and is analogous to, but distinct from mechanical force measured in newtons. The name came about because in magnetic circuits it plays a role analogous to the role electromotive force (voltage) plays in electric circuits.
SI versus CGS units
The SI unit of magnetomotive force is the ampere (A), represented by a steady, direct electric current of one ampere flowing in a single-turn loop of electrically conducting material in a vacuum.
Electrostatic energy (From Wikipedia 'Energy', June, 2009)
The electric potential energy of given configuration of charges is defined as the work which must be done against the Coulomb force to rearrange charges from infinite separation to this configuration (or the work done by the Coulomb force separating the charges from this configuration to infinity). For two point-like charges Q1 and Q2 at a distance r this work, and hence electric potential energy is equal to:
where ε0 is the electric constant of a vacuum, 107/4πc0² or 8.854188…×10−12 F/m. If the charge is accumulated in a capacitor (of capacitance C), the reference configuration is usually selected not to be infinite separation of charges, but vice versa - charges at an extremely close proximity to each other (so there is zero net charge on each plate of a capacitor). The justification for this choice is purely practical - it is easier to measure both voltage difference and magnitude of charges on a capacitor plates not versus infinite separation of charges but rather versus discharged capacitor where charges return to close proximity to each other (electrons and ions recombine making the plates neutral). In this case the work and thus the electric potential energy becomes
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Duality of Electric and Magnetic Fields (2)
By integrating with time
i(t) . sec = C v(t) (C in Farand)
Electric charge (= coulomb) Q = I × time (amp second)
By integrating with time
v(t) . sec = L i(t) (L in Henry)
Magnetic flux Φ = V × time (volt second)
Energy/Q = V ---> Energy = QV
Energy/ Φ = I ---> Energy = ΦI
Energy x Energy =QV x ΦI = VI x QΦ
= VI x <I x time> x <V x time>
Energy2 = (VI x time)2
Energy = +/- VI x time
This helps us to what Power (VI) means in terms of Electric and Magnetic Fields.
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